Community Educational Experiences
Real-time Ultrasound Assessment
RTUS provides a window into how your pelvic floor and deep abdominal muscles are functioning. Knowing more about your inner core is key to the treatment and prevention of many dysfunctions, and CorePhysio is the only clinic in our immediate region with RTUS capabilities.
Enrich your performance through a real-time demonstration of your craft, whether singing, dancing, playing an instrument, or anything in between. This is a great opportunity to learn more about your body so you can perform with power and precision.
Hit your stride! Learn physical limitations you might have towards achieving your goals through an assessment of strength, flexibility, range of motion, and biomechanics, and receive exercises for common running injuries.
Learn more about the many services we offer including Concussion Management, Vertigo and Balance, Women's Health, and more.
We are committed to helping you recover and restore health. For more information about our physical therapy services please contact us at 360-752-2673.
Learn MoreCorePhysio Telehealth is a convenient at-home option for top-notch clinical care.Click here for more information. We look forward to connecting (virtually) soon!Learn safe challenges, ergonomics, and postural dynamics to avoid pain, leaking, bulging, and worry. Click here to join our contact list!Hit your stride! On the 2nd Tuesday of every month, learn physical limitations you might have towards achieving your goals. Click here for more info. Call us at (360) 752-2673 or click here to sign up for an appointment ($30).Overcome potential injuries and enrich your performance. Call CorePhysio for availability, or Click here to sign up! ($30)LET’S LOOK OUT FOR ONE ANOTHER
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