Our Clinical Team

  • Aimee Bean, PT DPT OCS PRPC

    Specialties: Incontinence, pelvic pain, prolapse, nerve pain, constipation, colorectal conditions, pelvic floor dysfunction, pediatric pelvic floor, pregnancy-related issues, diastasis recti, SI joint pain, menopause symptoms, endometriosis/PCOS/fibroids, athletes, sexual health, oncology, musculoskeletal conditions, osteoporosis, scoliosis, pain management, weight training, balance, and hypermobility (HSD/EDS).

  • Andrea Lubeck, PT DPT

    Specialties: Orthopedics, Therapeutic Pain Neuroscience, Post-Operative Rehabilitation, Sports & Spine, Concussion Management, Vertigo & Balance, Sports Performance, Osteoporosis & Bone Health

  • Angela Hilyar, PT DPT PRPC ASTYM – Clinical Manager

    Specialties: Orthopedics, Sports & Spine, ASTYM Soft Tissue Mobilization, Pelvic Health for all ages & genders, Pediatric Pelvic Health, Postpartum Rehabilitation, Pelvic Health Post-Operative Rehabilitation, Gender Affirming Post-Op Rehabilitation, Therapeutic Pain Neuroscience, Pelvic Health Biofeedback, Real Time Ultrasound Core Re-Training, Osteoporosis & Bone Health

  • Brittany Fuller, PT DPT OCS – Clinical Manager

    Specialties: Orthopedics, including Pediatric Orthopedics; Post-Operative Rehabilitation; Sport & Spine; Work-Related Injuries; Urinary Incontinence; Pelvic Pain; Postpartum Rehabilitation; Pelvic Organ Prolapse; Pelvic Health Biofeedback

  • Christine Eardley, PT GCS PRPC BCB-PMD

    Specialties: Pelvic Health for all ages and genders, Pediatric Pelvic Health, Postpartum Rehabilitation, Pelvic Health Post-Operative Rehabilitation, Gender Affirming Post-Op Rehabilitation, Pelvic Health Biofeedback, Real Time Ultrasound Core Re-Training, Osteoporosis & Bone Health, Therapeutic Pain Neuroscience

  • David Grambo, PT, DPT, COMT, OCS, Cert. VT, Cert. DN, Cert. SMT, Dip. Osteopractic

    Specialties: Manual Therapy, Cervicogenic Headaches, Temporomandibular Disorders, Orthopedics, Concussion Management, Vestibular Rehabilitation, Osteoporosis & Bone Health, Post-Operative Rehabilitation, Sports Performance

  • Elizabeth Hampton, PT DPT WCS PRPC BCB-PMD – CEO & Clinic Director

    Specialties: Orthopedics, Pelvic Health for all ages and genders, Pediatric Pelvic Health, Therapeutic Pain Neuroscience, Post-Operative Rehabilitation, Pelvic Health Post-Operative Rehabilitation, Gender Affirming Post-Op Rehabilitation, Sports & Spine, Graston Soft Tissue Mobilization, Pelvic Health Biofeedback, Real Time Ultrasound Core Re-Training

  • Evie Tatara, PT DPT

    Specialties: Pelvic Health for All Genders, Postpartum Rehabilitation, Pelvic Health Post-Operative Rehabilitation, Pelvic Health Biofeedback, Real-Time Ultrasound Core Re-Training

  • Frank Kingman, PTA

    Specialties: Orthopedics, Post-Operative Rehabilitation, Sports and Spine, Sports Performance, Osteoporosis & Bone Health

  • Hannah Donk, PT DPT

    Specialties: Pelvic Health for All Genders, Postpartum Rehabilitation, Urinary Conditions, Pelvic Pain, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Pelvic Floor and Abdominal Dysfunction, Colorectal Conditions, Pelvic Health Biofeedback, Real Time Ultrasound Core Re-Training

  • Katie Sokolik, PTA

    Specialties: Incontinence, pelvic pain, prolapse, nerve pain, constipation, colorectal conditions, pelvic floor dysfunction, pregnancy-related issues, diastasis recti, SI joint pain, menopause symptoms, endometriosis/ PCOS/ fibroids, athletes, sexual health, musculoskeletal conditions, osteoporosis, scoliosis, pain management, weight training, and balance.

  • Lisa McKenna, PT MS MBA GCS CLT

    Specialties: Post-Surgery Hips & Knees, Post-Operative Rehabilitation, Vestibulo-Ocular Post-Concussion, TBI, Vestibular Orthopedics, Manual Therapy, Vertigo & Balance, Osteoporosis & Bone Health, Neurological Conditions (Parkinson’s, MS, SCI), Lower Extremity Amputation, Oncology.

  • Nicholas Chamley, PT DPT OCS MTC

    Specialties: Orthopedics, Dry Needling, Running-Related Injury, Work-Related Injury, Post-Operative Rehabilitation, Therapeutic Pain Neuroscience, Spinal Manipulation, Sports & Spine, Sports Performance, Osteoporosis & Bone Health

  • Ursula Casey, PT DPT

    Specialties: Orthopedics, Post-Operative Rehabilitation, Sports & Spine, Vestibular Orthopedics, Vertigo & Balance, Sports Performance, Osteoporosis & Bone Health, Neurological Conditions (Parkinson's, MS, SCI)

  • Zach Schulte, PTA

    Specialties: Orthopedics, Manual Therapy, IASTM, Neurological Conditions, Weightlifting, Sports Performance, Sports & Spine, Post-Operative Rehabilitation

  • Our Personal Training & Exercise Coaching Team

  • Luke Galloway, ACE-CPT CSCS PN1 – Lead Personal Trainer

    Specialties: Personal Training, group fitness, sports performance in athletes of all ages & abilities

  • Our Business Office Team

    Our business office is here to support every aspect of your PT experience!

    Our Client Care Coordinators, Lesley and Shawna, are frequently a client's first point of contact, aligning clients with the best clinical match for their unique needs.

    Our Clinical Administrative Assistant team of Allie, Shelby, Emma, and Sidney play a critical role supporting the entire staff and enriching the client experience; they are the chameleons of the clinic, moving from check-in to scheduling to laundry with ease, and always with a smile.

    Our Billing Coordinator and Insurance Authorization Specialists, Michele, Sheila, and Laurel, ensure visits are appropriately covered by referrals and authorizations while juggling a myriad of insurance plans and regulations to keep the billing process streamlined and stress-free.

    Do you have questions? Perfect! We have answers. Let us know how we can help you.

    Our Team’s Furry Family Members

    At CorePhysio, we love our furry family members! Pets are known to help keep you healthy. Below are some of our many cuddly CorePhysio companions.

    Do you have a furry family member that helps keep you healthy? Boast about them on our Facebook page, or tag @CorePhysioPT in your Instagram post!

    Baker and Bunny
    Onyx & Jynx
    Petey Pancake
    Gus & Violet


    Learn more about the many services we offer including Concussion Management, Vertigo and Balance, Women's Health, and more.


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    We are committed to helping you recover and restore health. For more information about our physical therapy services please contact us at 360-752-2673.


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    CorePhysio Telehealth is a convenient at-home option for top-notch clinical care.Click here for more information. We look forward to connecting (virtually) soon!
    Learn safe challenges, ergonomics, and postural dynamics to avoid pain, leaking, bulging, and worry. Click here to join our contact list!
    Hit your stride! On the 2nd Tuesday of every month, learn physical limitations you might have towards achieving your goals. Click here for more info. Call us at (360) 752-2673 or click here to sign up for an appointment ($30).
    Overcome potential injuries and enrich your performance. Call CorePhysio for availability, or Click here to sign up! ($30)